Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 20 - Are Your Characters Surprising You?

I am now on page 60 of my script and I'm really having fun. I have no idea at this point if it's working or not. But, a couple days ago, the characters started walking around and pulling stunts that surprised me. And, yes, this happens. It's not a sign of a psychotic break.

Once you know your characters, you'll be writing a scene where your main character is supposed to agree to leave town with a friend. Suddenly, your main character and her best friend get into an argument over something that happened in high school and the friend takes off without her. In her car.

Well, that's a fine kettle of fish. The scene is great. There's conflict and a lot has been revealed about your characters, but your main character still needs to get out of Dodge.

When something like this happens - enjoy it! This is actually a very good thing. When your characters start wanting to do things that you previously had not thought of - that's when you know your characters have dimension. You can't force it and it doesn't always happen. You just have to keep writing and have faith.

Sometimes, after all the fun has revealed itself you have to put it in context of your grander scheme (does it mesh with your story?) and do some adjustments. But, usually your characters know exactly what they should be doing when they start running amok.

And P.S. Don't you just love the word "amok"?

1 comment:

  1. Good Lord Jen, you are a writing machine. Writing a screenplay, writing a blog about writing a screenplay... and who knows what else you're up to. Way to go! -- Sofia
