Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 12 - Writing The Scene You Hate

Okay - I'm very close to finishing my first act. So far I've written one scene I don't even understand, several fairly decent scenes and two "please let me wake up with something better" scenes. But, today I am battling with that scene I really don't want to write.

This scene will appear once or twice or maybe even five times in this process. I know what I have to write - it's right there in my outline. But, for whatever reason, I would rather go to the dentist.

What I've learned is that there usually IS a reason why this happens. And, shockingly, it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm lazy and undisciplined. What it usually comes down to is I don't know what the scene is about.

In this instance, it's a scene where the main character is supposed to be having a good time. What could scare me about writing that? Is it because I wouldn't know a good time if it tickled me on the ass? Hardly. Is it because she's participating in something I can't even imagine taking place? No. I'm pretty familiar with the ground where she stomps.

What's blocking me is that I haven't zoned in on where the conflict is in the scene. What's going to make it interesting? What's going to add that little bit of surprise? Well, what if I add her husband into the mix and give him a competing agenda? What if what she was looking forward to doing- turns out to be a big let down? Now, she's got a husband going against her externally and her own disappointment internally. What if she doesn't want to let the husband know that she's not having the great time she expected? What if, she would rather eat dirt than let him have the privilege of saying "I told you so." Now, that's a scene I'm excited about writing.

Find the conflict and you'll find your window.

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