There's got to be a saying about the last yard being the longest, but I'm too fried to think of it. I'm too fried to think of anything - and summer has arrived.
If you've followed this blog since I started it last July -And So It Begins (Day One of the Blog) you know how I feel about summer.
To encapsulate: Summer sucks for writers.
I apologize for newbies to my blog. Please go back and read the "how to write a screenplay" posts of the Fall. I'm usually quite perky. Really. But some projects, simply put, could make a bitter creep out of Snow White. I'd like to see you whistle while you work on this one, lady.
I'm going to have to start listening to my "rain meditation" podcast while I work and it's not even June 21. Because I must FINISH THIS REWRITE.
Okay, so here's my plan, as always with writing - I must take the first step first.
1) I made a duplicate copy of my treatment and placed today's date on the top.
2) I then made all the cuts suggested by the producer.
3) I'm now printing out all of the notes I typed up from our multi-nation conference calls made while I was supposedly on vacation.
4) Next I'm going to sit down with scissors and tape and literally piece together the notes where they belong in the treatment.
5) Hopefully, during this process ideas will start spilling forth. If not, I'll walk, I'll take bathes and most importantly I'll keep coming back to my notes document until the answers do come.
It just takes one little crack, one small gap through which I can wiggle my little finger and then pry open a space big enough to crawl through to the other side.
Sometimes you've simply got to go forth with faith - it will come. It will.
I'll keep you posted.... In the meantime, happy writing. (And by that, I mean - just write, you'll feel happy when you're finished.)
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